Tuesday, October 24, 2006

A small redemption?

Today was an improvement over yesterday both in direction and fortune. We went to L’example (pronounced luh-SHOMP-luh) which is a more modern boulevard with high priced shops like Luis Vuitton and some interesting architecture from Antoni Gaudi.

Deciding to keep things simple, the day was spent browsing followed by dinner at Pla that was referred on to me as one of the few good places to eat at in Barcelona.

After walking through the maze-like streets of El Born and doubling back a few times, we amazingly found Pla. Prior to going in, we sampled some Cava which is Spanish sparkling wine at a nearby Bodega. The Bodega felt as if it had been around for hundreds of years and probably had. Full of cigarette smoke and food hygiene standards that would make the average Aussie food inspector have a stroke, we finally found some charm hidden away in Barcelona.